1 - fonction de pagination
 * Generate an array of pagination link where the key is a page number
 * and the value is a type of link (current page, normal link, first/last page link)
 * @param  integer $currentPage   the current displayed page
 * @param  integer $totalPages    the total number of pages (can be replaced by the two following params)
 * @param  integer $itemPerPage   the number of item displayed on each page
 * @param  integer $totalItems    the total number of existing items
 * @param  integer $nbPagesAround the maximum number of links (excluding first/last) that should be displayed before or after the current page
 * @return array                  the pagination array (key = page to link to, value = type of link)
function generatePagination(
    $totalPages = 0,
    $itemPerPage = 0,
    $totalItems = 0,
    $nbPagesAround = 2
) {
    $pagination = array();
    if($totalPages == 0) {
        if($itemPerPage == 0 || $totalItems == 0) {
            return false;
        } else {
            $totalPages = (int)ceil($totalItems / $itemPerPage);
    if($currentPage > $nbPagesAround + 2) {
        $pagination[1] = self::PAGINATION_FIRST;
    } elseif($currentPage > $nbPagesAround + 1) {
        $pagination[1] = self::PAGINATION_LINK;
    for($i = ($currentPage - $nbPagesAround); $i < $currentPage; $i++) {
        if($i > 1 || ($i == 1 && $currentPage <= $nbPagesAround + 1)) {
            $pagination[$i] = self::PAGINATION_LINK;
    $pagination[$currentPage] = self::PAGINATION_CURRENT;
    for($i = ($currentPage + 1); $i < ($currentPage + $nbPagesAround + 1); $i++) {
        if($i < $totalPages
            || ($i == $totalPages && $currentPage >= $totalPages - $nbPagesAround)
        ) {
            $pagination[$i] = self::PAGINATION_LINK;
    if($currentPage < ($totalPages - $nbPagesAround - 1)) {
        $pagination[$totalPages] = self::PAGINATION_LAST;
    } elseif($currentPage < ($totalPages - $nbPagesAround)) {
        $pagination[$totalPages] = self::PAGINATION_LINK;
    // ksort($pagination);
    return $pagination;